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    What Is Iron Ores

    Rocks and minerals known as iron ores can be used to economically extract metallic iron. The ores are often rich in iron oxides and range in hue from rusty red to deep purple to bright yellow. Magnetite is the most common type of iron.
    Natural ore also referred to as "direct shipping ore," is defined as ore that can be fed directly into blast furnaces used to produce iron and contains extremely high concentrations of hematite or magnetite, greater than roughly 60% iron. 98% of the iron ore that is mined is used to create steel, which is one of the main raw materials required to make steel. Pig iron is made from iron ore.
    We can extract metallic iron from certain types of rocks and minerals known as iron ores. These minerals and rocks come in a variety of hues, including rusty red, deep purple, vivid yellow, and dark grey.
    One of the elements in the cosmos that we are aware of with the greatest abundance is iron. Our bodies require this mineral for growth and development. It is also to blame for the red hue that pervades our surroundings so frequently.

    View more: https://www.trade-global.com/iron-ore.html

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