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    H/T Bernard Nolan 13 HRS
    I ask you to do one thing. Remember the help that the west sent to Libya and Syria. Now come to your senses and stand all behind the resistance. The west has nothing to offer but slavery, after gifting your land and offshore recourses to Israel. Sink their war ships in the harbor, at least they can fill in the hole they made.
    Write a comment...

    Bernard Nolan 17 HRS

    War on Iran.
    I hope you understand the war against Iran started the day of it's revolution. When I was a young man, we knew nothing else, but this world order we battle today. We knew no better, no other way. Then Iran stood up and resisted. We listened to Dajjal's propaganda, and thought Iran must be mad. But we also saw them resist, and gradually, succeed to resist. Our eyes started to open. The west doubled down on it's cold war style financial attacks and sanctions, but they continued to resist and insist, to give us an alternative narrative, to make us hear their perspective.
    Then, after many years, Lebanon stood up, and resisted and succeeded to resist. Then Syria stood up and resisted. Then Yemen stood up and resisted. Now, people are standing up, in Nigeria, in Kashmir, all across the world, people are not only waking up, but standing up, inspired by Iran.
    I can assure you, Dajjal is loosing this war and they know it and they fear it and they have now escalated their attacks in response to it. But they have no answer to it.
    I can assure you, Iran won the war on Iran. They won it not only in Iran, but then in Lebanon too, then in Syria and Yemen also. Now, Dajjal had to move his war to Syria and Lebanon and Yemen. Places they before had under control. It is very much the west and it's false promised state that are loosing this war.

      Fereydoun Dejahang
      Fredi Hazeem
      So sad,
      Why People So are Reluctant to Accept Truth
      Believing the same narrative from the same source about:
      'Evil Dictators killing their people'
      'Evil Dictator imminent threat to the world'
      'Evil Boogeymen who hate us"
      "Evil Savages needing civilizing & democracy"
      "Evil Communists coming to get your minds."
      .... over and over again to justify Anglo-Europeans "Humanitarian" invasion, bombardment, devastation, torture, rape pillage & plunder, installing a vassal dictator .. partition & Imperial / Colonial expansion is symptom of :
      A: Mental Insufficiency ..e.g. Low IQ, lack of reasoning & / critical analysis ability; short attention span on recent history; lack of geopolitical & global trend insight; absence of geographic / world map knowledge & / or moral compass ability to recognize imperialism and colonialism; or plain old gullible belief in Easter Bunnies and Fairy tales of Noble White Saviors Slaying the Villains
      B: Cognitive dissonance ... e.g. Brainwashed / AngloEuro Colonial 'Educated' on "West is Best - White is Right" / "We are the Good Guys" syndrome - for to believe otherwise a serious blow to ones self esteem & sense of standing & security in the world. When embedded core beliefs are challenged - ignorant people will fight to the death to protect the fallacious foundation of their worlds.
      C: Racist supremacist ... "We are the Good Guys" with entitlement to be at perpetual war on "Them" Brown / Black / Arabs / Asians / Africans / Abbos or any other lesser "thems" who need us to tell them how to dispense with their resources
      D: Plain lazy & prefer to be ignorant .......in a day and age where citizen journalism, Bing translators, citizen YouTube of reality is just a click away .... many choose to remain willfully ignorant by choice.
      E. Paid Liars (Hasbara)

      • Fredi Hazeem Sept 2016
        LikeShow likesyesterday at 2:26 pm
        Fereydoun Dejahang
        Fereydoun Dejahang
        Evon Picone
        I couldn't believe all my Democrat friends bought into the lies about him without doing an ounce of research or listening to his speeches/interviews.
        LikeShow likesyesterday at 2:26 pm
        Fereydoun Dejahang
        Fereydoun Dejahang
        Fredi Hazeem
        11 hrs
        I love this guy. If only we had more leaders like him. He serves my people, and does the job he was elected to do. He never faltered, and when Syria was near total collapse, he refused to leave, and so did his family
        A man of truth, intelligence, and wisdom.
        LikeShow likesyesterday at 2:27 pm

        In 2012, Anna Brown, a 29 year old of 2 kids, visited the hospital complaining of leg pain. When she was ignored at St. Mary’s Hospital, she refused to leaved, screaming & yelling in pain & couldn't stand. The cops dragged her out of the hospital & into a squad car. At the Richmond Heights P D, she cried that she couldn’t stand up or get out of the car, so she was dragged out of the car, into a jail cell, and left her there. 15 minutes later she was dead from a pulmonary embolism.

          My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
          ‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’

          ➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media PAGE 35
          Alternative social media webs replacement NO TO FB Page 42

          FULL NEWS

          My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
          My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
          My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
          https://www.edocr.com/user/drdejahang02 And https://www.edocr.com/v/lj7dolm4/drdejahang02/01-JUN-My-News-PUNCH-FD-01-06-2020
          KEY ➜⇢ MSC➤PHD RESEARCH, (MPhilPhD)➽=ALL
          My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
          Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc.
          PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD) PPT ..

          07-Aug My News PUNCH 07-08-2020 - P3.docxDownload file (160.27 KiB)

            My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
            ‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’

            ➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media PAGE 35
            Alternative social media webs replacement NO TO FB Page 42

            FULL NEWS

            My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
            My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
            My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
            https://www.edocr.com/user/drdejahang02 And https://www.edocr.com/v/lj7dolm4/drdejahang02/01-JUN-My-News-PUNCH-FD-01-06-2020
            KEY ➜⇢ MSC➤PHD RESEARCH, (MPhilPhD)➽=ALL
            My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
            Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc.
            PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD) PPT ..

              My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
              ‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’

              ➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media PAGE 35
              Alternative social media webs replacement NO TO FB Page 42

              FULL NEWS

              My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
              My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
              My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
              https://www.edocr.com/user/drdejahang02 And https://www.edocr.com/v/lj7dolm4/drdejahang02/01-JUN-My-News-PUNCH-FD-01-06-2020
              KEY ➜⇢ MSC➤PHD RESEARCH, (MPhilPhD)➽=ALL
              My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
              Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc.
              PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD) PPT ..

              07-Aug My News PUNCH 07-08-2020 P1.docxDownload file (2.08 MiB)

                My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
                ‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’

                ➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media PAGE 35
                Alternative social media webs replacement NO TO FB Page 42

                FULL NEWS

                My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
                My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
                My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
                https://www.edocr.com/user/drdejahang02 And https://www.edocr.com/v/lj7dolm4/drdejahang02/01-JUN-My-News-PUNCH-FD-01-06-2020
                KEY ➜⇢ MSC➤PHD RESEARCH, (MPhilPhD)➽=ALL
                My New PUNCH 07-08-2020
                Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc.
                PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD) PPT ..

                  My New PUNCH 10-07-2020
                  ‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’

                  ➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media PAGE 21

                  https://www.edocr.com/user/drdejahang02 And https://www.edocr.com/v/lj7dolm4/drdejahang02/01-JUN-My-News-PUNCH-FD-01-06-2020
                  KEY ➜⇢ MSC➤PHD RESEARCH, (MPhilPhD)➽=ALL
                  Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc.
                  PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD) PPT ..

                  ➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media
                  ➜⇢➤Alternative Social Media websites V Tec-tyrant FB/TWITTER Page 16

                  10 JULY-My News PUNCH-10-07-2020.docxDownload file (1.62 MiB)

                    Thomas Jefferson declared that "all men are created equal" while owning & keeping 350 African slaves.
                    US HYPOCRITE LAIR
                    Pinning George Floyd to the ground with knee for 526 Second was barbaric and evil and 'Cowardly Act'.

                    Jesse Jackson "The policeman who killed George Floyd knew him; He's a White Supremicist."

                    Louisville police chief fired after officer bodycams found to be off during fatal shooting Racism, Society, and Disease

                    Israel to demolish 200 Palestinian buildings in East Jerusalem

                    While US is in crisis, Congress posts 68 bills (and counting) for Israel

                    FBI Director Christopher Wray Says A Majority of Domestic Terrorism Cases are Motivated by White Supremacist Violence

                    Bunker Chief Inspector wants to deploy the military.
                    But Mr flip-flops often military take over the government in situations like ours

                    Beware Plea Bargaining Down the Road this is USA
                    Chauvin Terrorist will now be charged with 2nd-degree murderH/T Antowan Jones
                    I wouldn’t be surprised if after all the loop holes the sentencing if one will be a slap in the face.

                    Smug Racist/Fascist/...
                    Police: KKK-hooded patron... and anyone else who Hates Blacks, Native Americans, Australia Aborjinler& people like me.

                    H/T Vasquez

                    TO GEORGE FLOYD MEMORY.
                    You crossed the line of the supremacy of power
                    white, you challenged the racism of ku Klux klan from that basket that rules all instances.
                    Under the representation of a megalomaniac
                    smug racist who hates black
                    poor, African descent, African Americans
                    Indigenous, immigrant and Latin Americans.
                    They are undesirable in the land of freedom
                    of great democracy and model
                    of defending human rights.
                    The land of magic, yesterday's fantasy and today, the world of equality and justice.
                    A great fallacy of a country where inequalities between human beings
                    they are quite different.
                    Where most have no right to education, less health.
                    The children of immigrants are
                    deposited in cells like animals.
                    There is a constant pursuit
                    with all black by the police.
                    They are bejados, beaten no matter
                    your physical condition in which you find
                    for that moment.
                    See a boy or girl in a children's park
                    white is an offense to the white family.
                    Just call the police to intervene and take that boy or girl black
                    sanctioned or punished for violating a white property.
                    That's George Flory's country
                    the one who saw you born my dear friend.
                    Where you worked to help your parents.
                    Maybe you didn't get the opportunity to study for the same condition of being black.
                    Unfortunately you were tortured
                    by a knee of a white cop
                    that did not have at any time
                    compassion for the cries of begging
                    What did you do to them.
                    Handcuffed with your face stuck to the road
                    and your eyes watching death closely.
                    I'm short of air, I'm missing official air.
                    I haven't done anything serious.
                    Please I lack air, I'm going to die.
                    They're going to kill me.
                    These screams were not silent
                    heartbreaking screams.
                    He listened to them and they will keep listening
                    all the people who want a new order
                    world more human.
                    To live like brothers.
                    Please someone.
                    Please man.
                    I'm thirsty give me water.
                    Your process

                    Thomas Jefferson declared that "all men are created equal" while owning & keeping 350 African slaves.
                    US HYPOCRITE LAIR

                    FAMILY OF WAR CRIMINALS
                    A Cowardly Act of Terrorism
                    War Criminal like Bush/Blair/Rice.... 

                    Pinning George Floyd to the ground with knee for 526 Second was barbaric and evil and 'Cowardly Act'.

                    Pinning George Floyd to the ground with knee for 526 Second was barbaric

                    After reading this 'Saudi Arabia to co-host UN fundraising summit for Yemen'
                    I stared getting pain in my back.and evil.

                    Waterboarding technique-average of 14 seconds before capitulating

                    H/T Phillip Vella America's bloody history:
                    Countries attacked by bombing, sabotage or attempted government overthrow since World War Two; China 1945-46, Syria 1949, Korea 1950-53, China 1950-53, Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Tibet 1955-70s, Indonesia 1958, Cuba 1959, Democratic Republic of the Congo 1960-65, Iraq 1960-63, Dominican Republic 1961, Vietnam 1961-73, Brazil 1964, Belgian Congo 1964, Guatemala 1964, Laos 1964-73, Dominican Republic 1965-66, Peru 1965, Greece 1967, Guatemala 1967-69, Cambodia 1969-70, Chile 1970-73, Argentina 1976, Turkey 1980, Poland 1980-81, El Salvador 1981-92, Nicaragua 1981-1990, Cambodia 1980-95, Angola 1980, Lebanon 1982-84, Grenada 1983-84, Philippines 1986, Libya 1986, Iran 1987-88, Libya 1989, Panama 1989-90, Iraq 1991, Kuwait 1991, Somalia 1992-94, Iraq 1992-1996, Bosnia 1995, Iran 1998, Sudan 1998, Afghanistan 1998, Yugoslavia Serbia 1999, Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2002-2003, Somalia 2006-2007, Iran 2005, Libya 2011, Syria 2011 and Yemen 2015 and
                    The clown named Kerry, who murdered Vietnamese troops and civilians in Vietnam, what about the US army raped children in front of their mothers, then we have torture in Iraqi Afghanistani jails or CIA black sites , schools of
                    trained killers sent to Latin America or the 500 k dead children in Iraq and Madeline Albright said it was worth it?

                    Facebook appoints Israeli censor to oversight board

                    Is it why you suspended me 16 time and Banned me for life?

                    Trump 🤐 🤭 Antifa is an idea rather than an organisation, I can claim to be an Antifa, including anyone out there.
                    🤐 🤭

                    War Criminal Rumsfeld: Looting is transition to freedom

                    Israel Must Go!
                    The US sends almost $40 billion to Israel!
                    'Israel facing ‘greatest economic crises in its history

                    We pray for you brave man
                    'WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange misses court hearing due to respiratory problems'

                    Stop killing him slowly but surely.
                    'WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange misses court hearing due to respiratory problems'

                    I fully agree Jordan but who are your leaders in USA?
                    Michael Jordan
                    "I am deeply saddened, truly pained and plain angry, I stand with those who are calling out the ingrained racism and violence toward people of color in our country. We have had enough.
                    I don't have the answers, but our collective voices show strength and the inability to be divided by others, We must listen to each other, show compassion and empathy and never turn our backs on senseless brutality. We need to continue peaceful expressions against injustice and demand accountability.
                    Our unified voice needs to put pressure on our leaders to change our laws, or else we need to use our vote to create systemic change. Every one of us needs to be part of the solution, and we must work together to ensure justice for all."

                    Saudi Wahhabi/Takfiri/ISIS cleric: ‘It is prohibited to protest in Islam’
                    So why you KSA send MKO/MEK Terrorist group to IR IRAN to burn a car film it send it to BBC/CNN

                    China calls racial discrimination in the US a "social ill"

                    The Fascist👌 (Racist 👌) is the one who point fingers at the Anti-Fascist Groups and IR IRAN

                    Bunker Boy Preacher
                    'ANTIFA is now a terrorist organisation!'
                    Is it Nincompoop?

                    The question isn’t whether George Floyd was murdered — he clearly was — the real question is why he was murdered 'In front of the whole world'.

                    Who Really Controls Wall Street, and Why It Matters

                    American Billionaires (L…….S) have gotten $284 billion richer since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

                    60 seconds for an adult to drown
                    Research Topic-Who Owns the US Regime/UK Media? | Sociology

                    ‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’ Antidote to Corporate Media Lies ➽➤

                    ➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative MediaPAGE 23
                    And https://www.edocr.com/v/lj7dolm4/drdejahang02/01-JUN-My-News-PUNCH-FD-01-06-2020
                    KEY ➜⇢ MSC➤PHD RESEARCH, (MPhilPhD)➽=ALL
                    Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc.
                    PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD) PPT ..

                      Recently off FB, and found mirrorisland. 

                      I love its ideas, but I wish it didn't make the emails a part of the post.  I don't want to be making friends emails easy to scrape, or even be seen by each other. 

                      I LOVE the concept, though.  Social sharing even if only by email transport. 

                        ➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media

                        F. DEJAHANG ➜⇢➤MY News PUNCH 22-04-2020 DOCUMENT https://www.mirrorisland.com/drdej55
                        ALL FOLDERS➜⇢➽➤FULL NEWS https://www.edocr.com/user/drdejahang02
                        The only antidote to a campaign of lies by corporate media is a campaign of truth by alternative media

                        ‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’Antidote to Corporate Media Lies ➽➤

                          ➽➜⇢➤'Pandemic drones' could single people out in a crowd for coughing, sneezing, or high temperature,...So.... Brain Dead like here too? Nincompoop- U do not understand U may be contagious and not know it making the rest of the population sick as they come out.


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