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Enter your full name or a display name. Businesses, couples and families are also accepted.
Model Trains Inc.,
Sam and Janis Allen
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Username requirements:
• at least 6 characters long,
• can use letters and numbers,
• can not use spaces or
  other characters.
Password strength:
Your password can be up 250 characters in length and can contain letters, numbers, punctuation marks and spaces.
Hint: a secure password is long but easy to remember and not complex, e.g.
Jules Verne is an excellent author
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(Optional) Enter an email address
This is optional.
You can enter an email address to send account information to, such as password reset links.
The account email address is not shown publicly.

By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy


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Plans and Pricing

Simple Monthly Pricing.
Get all features, only pay for storage.
AU$1 per 10GB. Pay yearly and save 25%.
No credit card required
100 GB
500 GB
2,000 GB
Features Free Personal Advanced Professional
Storage space 100 MB 100 GB 500 GB 2,000 GB
Transfers 250 MB /month 100 GB /month 500 GB /month 2,000 GB /month
Maximum upload size 4 MB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB
Send and receive emails
Upload images, videos and attachments
Embed Videos
Support Free Personal Advanced Professional
Community forums
Priority email support
Upcoming features Free Personal Advanced Professional
Connect a custom domain
Own branding
Manage email lists
Scheduled posts
Custom forms

No credit card required
100 GB
500 GB
2,000 GB
If changing your plan, you will be able to see cost differences before being refunded or charged extra.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do notes, posts and emails use storage space?

Yes. However, emails you send and receive, and notes and posts you edit on here don't use up much storage space. Posts, notes, and emails would have to be in the thousands before they would take up any significant storage.

Do you have a free plan?

Yes we do! You can try out Mirror Island free, forever. However, storage is limited to 100MB per account.

Can I get a refund?

Yes. All plans come with a 30-day guarantee. If you decide that it doesn't fit your needs before the 30 days are over, you can get a complete refund during that 30-day guarantee period; no questions asked. After the 30 day period, refunds are handled "pro-rata", where you will be refunded for the remaining time left on the plan.

Can I use this for a business?

Yes! All plans can be used by anyone, including for commercial purposes.

Are these prices per user?

No, the quotas above apply per account. You can share the account between multiple people if you wanted to.

What happens if I run out of storage space?

You can keep uploading files as long as there is available space for it. If the uploaded file is larger than the available space it won't be saved. Here you have two choices; you can delete old files you don't need, or purchase more storage space.

Can I upgrade or downgrade at any time?

Yes you can! However when an account is downgraded, the system will automatically remove older files if you have used up more space than you have been given with the downgraded account. You can avoid this by clearing or backing up some files yourself before downgrading.


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