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    Impact of Impotence in a Relationship

    The problem of erectile dysfunction interferes with the sex lives of millions of people and, although there are several treatments, it is still a case of health that greatly disturbs men. In reality, the man keeps the idea of ​​sexual potency intertwined with masculinity and, therefore, does not feel like a real man when he suffers such a situation in bed.

    In this way, he is ashamed, thinking that he will no longer be able to adequately serve his partner or partner and is still afraid that the relationship will end because his partner prefers a powerful man in bed. Even worse is the feeling that others might have knowledge about this problem, says sexologist in Delhi.

    See in this article the major problems that impotence causes in a relationship.

    Why do problems arise in partnership?

    The main psychological problem caused by impotence is the self-confidence that results in anxiety, which negatively affects the man with this dysfunction. Many men suffer from impotence and avoid talking to their partners, feeling that they are solely responsible for the situation and looking for ways to solve the problem without help.

    In this way, partnership problems are directly affected, especially when it is known that at least 20% of men with impotence do not seek help from medical experts like sexologist doctor in Delhi.

    Why are there problems in a relationship?

    The relationship between people where the man has erectile dysfunction (impotence) can present problems when the subject is not faced as it should, with assumptions about what is happening, causing the man to torture himself with questions, looking for the causes in themselves same.

    The man may wonder, for example, if he will no longer be able to maintain an erection, being affected by the fear of ending the relationship, while the woman begins to think that she is no longer attractive to her partner or even that he is looking for another woman. .

    The problem of sexual dysfunction not faced head on can generate even more conflicts when its solution is quite simple. It is important that there are no secrets in the partnership, talking openly about the needs to find an effective solution, rather than keeping silent.

    Impotence can generate conflicts that affect the emotional security of other family members as well, especially among children, and the great irony is that the biggest barrier is precisely the man’s resistance to accepting his condition and seeking adequate erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi.

    Delay in seeking treatment

    There are men who even accept the presence of cancer with more serenity than sexual impotence. The fear of seeking help can lead to accommodation with the situation, making possible treatment increasingly difficult, says the best sexologist in Delhi.

    The average time it takes men with impotence to seek medical help is around four years. This is the common period in patient reports, after looking from popular aphrodisiacs to medicinal herbs and plants, until they reach the famous Chinese ointments or testosterone-based drugs, without finding the definitive solution.

    When they don’t find a viable solution, they finally seek medical help from sex specialist in Delhi, without thinking that this should be the first thing to do: face the problem head on and investigate its causes.

    The most common reaction in men with impotence is to avoid situations that could lead to sexual intercourse, leaving the partner suspecting that something is wrong, including the idea that an extramarital affair is taking place.

    During this average waiting time, it is quite common for women to also lose sexual desire, both due to lack of stimulation and lack of interest in their partner. Thus, there is a loss of self-esteem, emotional frustration and embarrassment between the partners, leading to quite unpredictable situations, such as alcoholism and suicidal tendencies, warns the best sex doctor in Delhi.

    Looking for other women to prove impotence

    A very common situation is for a man to look for other partners to check if the problem is with him or with his partner. And this leads to an even greater picture of disappointment, with increased insecurity and greater conflicts in the relationship.

    Sexual function and the condition of desire among people should be seen as physiological needs, ensuring a better quality of life, regardless of age.

    Harmony and the marital relationship play a role as important as sexual health, ensuring the success of a lasting and healthy sexual relationship.

    Statistics of Couples Facing Impotence

    Sexual impotence is a taboo subject even in our time, although it affects, to some degree, at least 25% of men over 18 years of age. In the range of 40 years, the problem can reach 30% of men who cannot maintain a satisfactory erection.

    The percentage increases in men over 60 years old, reaching 71% of them admitting to having gone through episodes of impotence.

    How should partners start a conversation?

    An important factor in solving the problem of impotence is to have a frank conversation between the partners, firmly believing that they can find a solution. Between both, there must be openness to talk about causes and treatments and show seriousness in the search for a solution.

    Many men end up losing their sexual desire with age and, however, it is necessary to understand that sexual activity is the best way to offer and receive warmth and security, especially in old age, understanding that sexual life does not end with the arrival of age. .

    The conversation between the couple should take place at times when they can be free from any commitment, within a very relaxed atmosphere. Even the search for a neutral place can be favorable, on a walk or in a quiet place, where they can talk without any interruption.

    It is necessary to avoid misunderstandings and create openness, without forcing any response, showing the partner how she, as a woman, feels, avoiding generalizing. The man should not try to minimize the issue, offering to participate in treatments and seeking to face the situation with seriousness and commitment.

    When men suffer recurrently from impotence, the situation can often be a sign of a more serious problem, which should be investigated by a sexologist in Delhi. This situation must be seen as a joint problem, which must be solved in partnership, in the same way as everything before was solved between them.

    Consequences that can bring to the relationship by not dealing with the situation

    One of the most serious consequences that can lead to a relationship when not working properly with erectile dysfunction problems is the loss of trust between partners, which can even lead to separation.

    The best way to deal with the problem is to face it head on, talking about it, exposing the problems, both the man to the woman and the opposite, making it clear that both remain together and that the problem of erectile dysfunction, like so many others that arose during your life together, must also be resolved in partnership, says sexologist in Noida.

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